Inbound Call Center
Tele-Center is a free call center referral company that will quickly help you to find the right inbound call centers you need to evaluate, based upon your exact project needs.
Tele-Center will provide you with (1) The information you need about inbound call center services and companies and (2) Quick assessment of the viability of outsourcing your project and (3) Refer you to up to three pre-qualified inbound call centers...usually within an hour of your contacting us...all for Free!
Tele-Center has experience in virtually every type of inbound call center program. We work with over 800 call centers, worldwide, and over 3,000 clients/per year, so you can be assured we have the experience to help you get your program off to a good start.
To find out more about our free inbound call center referral services, please call us, at 215-657-4281, or "click here to contact us". When you do, we will respond to your request and provide you with the information you need and refer pre-qualified telemarketing companies, usually within the hour.
Tele-Center, Inc. Telephone: 215-657-4281 E-mail: pauson@telecenterinc.com